Effective Guidelines On How To Write An Introduction For A College Essay

Writing an essay can be fun if you have a passion for writing or if the subject is of your interest. There are a few rules that you must remember while writing your essay and the rest can be easy. A traditional essay starts with an introduction paragraph, followed by 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion. This makes a total of 5 paragraphs. All these paragraphs play their role in shaping the essay. The introduction and conclusion however can be a bit tricky. You can either write down the entire essay first or then write the introduction. This way you will know in advance which direction is your essay moving to and how can you present your topic better

The introduction of your essay

Introduction is a very important part of the essay writing. This is where your reader will come across your paper first time and he must carry a good impression. Here are a few things that will help you in writing a good introduction for your college essay

Present your topic

The first thing your introduction does is that it presents your topic. You need to carefully read the essay prompt and address it. This is where you decide the topic of your essay and explain the reason you chose this topic

Include a thesis statement

Usually your thesis statement should be included in your introduction paragraph. It is one or two sentences long and shows the main focus of the essay. You can add it near the end of your introduction paragraph

Stay clear and concise

Your introduction of the essay must be comprehensible and easy to understand. Write in a clear tone and leave no ambiguity. Give your reader enough information that he can get an idea about the rest of your essay. Avoid repeating the same sentences as it is considered as fluff and will leave a bad impression on the reader

Avoid using jargons

There are terms that you will be aware of because you did a certain research. However, your readers do not know this and are not familiar with such terms. You can use such terms by giving an introduction about them.

A good introduction must also be able to

Hook your readers

Show them the purpose of your essay

Make a strong beginning


Never open with a dictionary definition of your subject

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